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Styled Calendar is Free for the Vast Majority of Our Users

By leveraging more than sixty free preferences, the vast majority of our users design and embed their calendars at no cost. These features are completely free – forever.

Our premium features make Styled Calendar even more powerful. If you’re curious about them, you can preview all of them for free in our calendar editor.

Get Started

Free vs. Premium

Feature Free Plan Premium Plan ($10 per Month)
Instant Event Syncing
Mobile-Responsive Design (Support for Desktop and Mobile Devices)
Calendar Language (Select from More Than 60 Languages and Regions)
Embed with an HTML Snippet
Access to Our Brand New WordPress Plugin
Accent Colors
Background Colors
Borders and Spacing
Font Family, Size, Weight, and Color
Button Colors, Borders, and States
Unlimited Calendar Embeds
Unlimited Google Calendars Combined on a Single Calendar Embed
Calendar Time Zone
Custom First Day of the Week
Custom CSS
Differentiate Google Calendars by Color
Remove "Powered By Styled Calendar" Button
Custom Calendar Layouts
Custom Header and Footer Layouts
Hidden Days of the Week
Custom Initial Date
Limited Date Range
Week Numbers
Custom Title Format
Click on an Event to Open its Location (Opens Google Maps or a URL-Based Location Directly)
Click on an Event to Copy it to the User's Google Calendar
Click on an Event to Open a Custom URL
Event Call to Action Button
Event Attachments
Free Plan
$0 Per Month
  • Instant Event Syncing
  • Mobile-Responsive Design (Support for Desktop and Mobile Devices)
  • Custom Mobile Breakpoint
  • Calendar Language (Select from More Than 60 Languages and Regions)
  • Embed with an HTML Snippet
  • Access to Our Brand New WordPress Plugin
  • Accent Colors
  • Background Colors
  • Borders and Spacing
  • Font Family, Size, Weight, and Color
  • Button Colors, Borders, and States
  • Multiple Calendar Embeds
  • Multiple Google Calendars Combined on a Single Calendar Embed
  • Calendar Time Zone
  • Custom First Day of the Week
Premium Plan
$10 Per Month

Every Feature from the Free Plan Plus:

  • Custom CSS
  • Differentiate Google Calendars by Color
  • Remove “Powered By Styled Calendar” Button
  • Custom Calendar Layouts
  • Custom Header and Footer Layouts
  • Hidden Days of the Week
  • Custom Initial Date
  • Limited Date Range
  • Week Numbers
  • Custom Title Format
  • Click on an Event to Open its Location (Opens Google Maps or a URL-Based Location Directly)
  • Click on an Event to Copy it to the User’s Google Calendar
  • Click on an Event to Open a Custom URL
  • Event Call to Action Button
  • Event Attachments